It’s a pretty well-known fact that the Amish are excellent quilters. But when you stop to think about it, that fact seems a little bit odd, doesn’t it? The Amish are a people who emphasize living plain, and yet they create these extravagant, gorgeous quilts. Why is this?
Just because the Amish emphasize plain, simple clothing and lifestyles doesn’t mean that they don’t appreciate color and beauty. Although they shy away from admitting beauty in a person, they love to celebrate beauty in nature. In fact, the Amish enjoy planting luxurious gardens with beautiful flowers of many colors.
The Amish find ways to insert color and beauty in their lives that still serve practical purposes. Flowers teach us to appreciate God’s creation. A beautiful clock that plays a hymn each hour introduces music into an Amish home while also allowing the family members to structure their day and keep their thoughts on God. A colorful quilt keeps the family warm and their beds covered. It is simultaneously beautiful and useful.
But why the intricate stitching and the impressive artistry that goes into each Amish-made quilt? Although the Amish condemn vanity and pride in personal appearance, they believe that every job they set to accomplish should be done to the absolute best of their ability. Excellent workmanship is not pride; it is being a good steward of the responsibilities set before us.
Amish women pour huge amounts of time and effort into these quilts as a symbol of their love for their families and friends. Their stitching, style of quilting, and choice of fabrics is one area where they are allowed to set themselves apart and be unique. They can take joy in a beautiful quilt that they have created without being ashamed.
In addition, the Amish do not have their time taken up by things like television and computers. They have limited options for hobbies they can enjoy in the evening by candlelight. Quilting is both a practical and an enjoyable way to pass time.
Next month, I’ll share the fascinating details of what many Amish women do to make their quilts a part of the family history, and I’ll also show you a few traditional Amish quilt patterns! Be sure to check back often or subscribe to my blog to make sure you don’t miss out!

UPDATE: This giveaway is now over. Congratulations to Cindi Altman!
The framed saying above is not Amish-made, but is completely handmade and embroidered by Blue Skies Creations. If you would like to enter for a chance to win this beautiful wall hanging, simply leave a comment at the bottom of this post on my website.
If you are reading this anywhere other than my website, such as on Facebook, in an email, or on Goodreads, please hop on over to my website by clicking here: and leave a comment at the bottom of my post to enter the giveaway.
Only comments left on my website will be entered into the giveaway.
The deadline for this contest is Tuesday, May 14, 2013, at noon. The winner will be chosen using and will be contacted privately, as well as announced on next week’s post.
I’m so sorry, but my giveaways are open to U.S. residents only. Unfortunately, shipping internationally usually costs more than the item being given away.
I’m also giving away an Amish-made quilt! Click here to enter for a chance to win.
Book Giveaway Winners
Last week, I announced a new page that lists all traditionally published Inspirational Amish and Mennonite fiction authors. If you missed the announcement and would like see to the full list, visit the Amish authors page here.
Thanks to many of my generous author friends, I was also able to offer an exciting giveaway of sixteen novels! was used to select the following winners.
Carol D.
Jacklyn W.
Robyn L.
Laurel H.
Congratulations to each of you! If your name is listed above and you received an email notifying you that you won, please contact me with your name and mailing address to claim your books!