Winner – Traci October is “awareness month” for many important things: breast cancer, liver cancer, Down syndrome, pregnancy and infant loss, and domestic violence are just a few that I know about. But I want to talk about a cause that has affected our family personally in the past year: dwarfism (also… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Facts About the Amish
How the Amish decorate for Christmas, recipe, and giveaway!
Update: This giveaway is over. The winner is Marsha Bashline. Congratulations, Marsha, you have won an autographed copy of The Dawn of Christmas! October was a beautiful month in many ways, but it’s now gone for the year, and I’m beginning to mull over ideas of decorating for Christmas. Last week’s guest post by Melissa… Read more »
Christmas novella Q&A and Giveaway!
Update: This giveaway is over. The winner is Jan Metivier. Congratulations, Jan, you have won an autographed copy of each of the Christmas novellas: The Sound of Sleigh Bells, The Christmas Singing, and The Dawn of Christmas! For today’s blog post, I wanted to feature a recent Q&A I did about my Christmas novellas. I hope you… Read more »
3 Modern Amish Quilt Designs and Appreciating Life
In the past, Amish quilters used only scraps of material left over from other sewing projects or worn out clothing to create their quilts. For this reason, the colors of the quilts matched the clothes they wore: dark, earthy tones such as green, mauve, blue, and purple. But Amish quilts have changed over the years. Now, it is common for an Amish woman to shop for fabrics specifically for quilts. They will use bright colors and patterns and create eye-catching arrangements.
Why Do the Amish Quilt?
It’s a pretty well-known fact that the Amish are excellent quilters. But when you stop to think about it, that fact seems a little bit odd, doesn’t it? The Amish are a people who emphasize living plain, and yet they create these extravagant, gorgeous quilts. Why is this?