A month ago, we entered a new year.
The wonderful thing about beginning a new year is that we put certain events of the past year in a file inside our minds and hearts—whether the events were cherished or ones that will always hurt and haunt us—and we set out afresh with new hopes, dreams, and determinations.
It seems to me that each year provides enough joys, heartache, work, and challenges that we need it to have a listing all its own. Its own time frame that helps us keep all of life from entering one gigantic ocean of events. That way time doesn’t all run together without us marking the celebratory events and the brutal ones.
When a new year ushers in, I long to be a part of ushering in victories for loved ones, strangers, and myself. But I know that I’ll fail at many of the things that are so important to me. I’ll say or do the wrong thing—more than once. We all make mistakes. Thankfully, we will recover from most of them. We will work hard to set things right because love and joy and fulfillment come from figuring out what other people need and making adjustments in our lives so we can meet those needs.
Four weeks ago, the new year began, and it had no mistakes in it.
It’s no longer unmarred, is it?
The list of mistakes I don’t want to make is endless, but there is one potential mistake that outdoes the others: putting too much time into work and not enough time into people. Life is such a delicate balance. It’s a fragile, wonderful, heartbreaking adventure.
So I’ve returned to writing just one novel and one novella per year. A lot of authors write two novels and a novella every year. I was one of them for a season. I love writing and tapping into creativity and seeing where it takes me. I can’t imagine how I would get through a day without having a story that I’m working on. But seasons change, and I now feel a deep need to spend more time with my husband, my adult children, my daughter-in-law, my grandchild, and my friends.
When I finish reading a book, or watching a serial big-screen movie or a season finale of a television series, I often shout, “What? It’s over? Nooooo!” I don’t want to wait a year or two (or more!) to read or watch the next segment. But as much as I want the next installment right away, waiting is actually a delicious journey. Like having a wonderful visit with a dear friend and then waiting with eager anticipation for the promised return visit.
So when is the much-longed-for sequel to Ties That Bind coming out? And what is the title? Well, I finally have an answer to both questions! The book is titled Fraying at the Edge, and it will release August 16! When it releases, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

And now I’m going to take an evening off and spend some time with my family. After all, 2016 will be over before we know it!
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