Posts Tagged: Meg Moseley

Coffee ~ A story from author Meg Moseley

Update: This giveaway is over. The winner is Sharon Holweger. Congratulations, Sharon, you have won an autographed copy of Meg Moseley’s book Gone South! Today’s guest post makes me want to take a coffee break! It’s a lovely story from my author friend Meg Moseley about sharing coffee with her daughter. Then afterwards, she is… Read more »

Thoughts from a Writer Friend and a Giveaway!

Update: This giveaway is now over. The winner is Shirley Blanchard. Congratulations, Shirley, you have won copies of Meg’s books Gone South and When Sparrows Fall! Today’s post is a guest post by an author friend Meg Moseley. She’ll share with us some heartfelt stories about the life lessons she’s learned through writing novels, and then… Read more »

Noah’s Ark and a Giveaway

Guest blog by Meg Moseley ~ Years ago when my husband and I lived in Michigan, our pastor and his wife introduced us and our children to the fun of birding. Our oldest was the most enthusiastic learner. By age eight, she knew her way around two different field guides to North American birds, and when we took a cross-country trip, she enjoyed keeping a log of the “new” birds we saw.

The Magical World of Books

Today’s post is by Meg Moseley, a friend of mine who authored When the Sparrows Fall and the newly-released Gone South. She used to write human-interest pieces for a suburban section of the the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and she was a homeschooling mom for a lot of years. She will join us here on my blog regularly,… Read more »