Posts Tagged: DIY tutorial

How to Make Homemade Old-Fashioned Lemonade

Melissa K. Norris

All of us have heard the age-old admission, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Many times we speak these saying without taking the time to really think about what they mean. This past week, my husband and I encountered some difficulty with a vehicle we’d purchased. I think it’s fair to say when money is involved, things can get stressful quickly. Both of us were extremely frustrated and emotions were high. In fact, I found myself repetitively about two breaths away from tears.

Homemade Raspberry Cream Cheese Tarts

Melissa K. Norris

UPDATE: This giveaway is now over. Congratulations to Nancy Cashwell, the winner of an autographed copy of A Season for Tending.    Today’s post was written by Melissa K. Norris. Melissa will be posting here once every other month. She’ll share recipes, tutorials, etc. that reflect the Amish lifestyle for those of us who still live… Read more »

A Pioneer Christmas

Melissa K. Norris

One thing we can implement from the pioneers this Christmas season is the art of giving homemade presents. I love receiving a homemade gift. It shows me that the person values me enough to take the effort and time to create something special just for me. A lot of homemade gifts require some crafting or cooking skills like crocheted flower headbands or non-alcohol mint extract, but I wanted to give you a recipe that anyone can follow and have turn out great.

How to Make Homemade Applesauce and a Giveaway

Melissa K. Norris

We have a guest blogger today: Melissa Norris. She’s prepared a tutorial on how to make your own homemade applesauce, as well as a fun idea and recipe on how to turn it into a homemade Christmas gift! Be sure to read to the end of the post for a special offer just for my readers and a chance to win Melissa’s book, Pioneering Today–Faith and Home the Old Fashioned Way.