UPDATE: This giveaway is now over. Congratulations to Mary Preston. Mary has won a copy of Melissa’s book, Pioneering Today–Faith and Home the Old Fashioned Way.
Today’s post was written by Melissa K. Norris. Melissa will be posting here once every other month. She’ll share recipes, tutorials, etc. that reflect the Amish lifestyle for those of us who still live in the modern world.

How to Make Homemade Old-Fashioned Lemonade
by Melissa K. Norris
All of us have heard the age-old admission, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Many times we speak these saying without taking the time to really think about what they mean.
This past week, my husband and I encountered some difficulty with a vehicle we’d purchased. I think it’s fair to say when money is involved, things can get stressful quickly. Both of us were extremely frustrated and emotions were high. In fact, I found myself repetitively about two breaths away from tears.
We attended church the next morning and our pastor said, “When those situations come up where you want to say, God, why me, instead, say God, how can you turn this around. How can you take this situation and work it for your glory?”
I don’t know how God will turn our situation around, but I do know that He will. I don’t know what you’re facing, but I know He is big enough to work through it. He is a redeemer, of the stress, the pain, and the times where our knees buckle and we can’t stand. So in true pioneer fashion, I’m taking my situations to the Lord and I’m going to show you how to make lemonade from your lemons.

Pioneering Today Old-Fashioned Homemade Lemonade
7 medium to large lemons (organic if possible)
6 cups cold water (we’ve got good well water, but use a filter if you’re on chlorinated water)
3/4 to 1 cup sugar (I use GMO free organic sugar)
Tip: Freeze your lemons the night before making. Purchase lemons when they’re on a good sale and freeze until ready to use. You get more juice from a lemon that’s been frozen and thawed.
Take your lemons and roll them on the counter top for a minute, this helps release the juice. I have a citrus press, but you can do this by hand. By the hand method, simply cut lemon in half. Hold lemon over a bowl with one hand and cup your other hand beneath it. Squeeze lemon and catch the seeds and pulp with your cupped hand, letting the juice run through your fingers into the bowl.
If you’re using a citrus press, then chop off the ends of the lemon, and then slice into wedges. Fill press with wedges and close, pouring juice into your bowl. Repeat with remaining lemons.
Add 6 cups cold water to your lemon juice. Pour in 3/4 cup sugar, stir until dissolved, and taste. Depending upon the tartness of your lemons, add additional 1/4 cup of sugar to taste. Add ice cubes and chill until ready to serve. Have frozen berries? Use them in place of ice cubes for a fun flavor twist.
Don’t throw out those lemon peels! I’ve got a fantastic homemade lemon cleaner recipe to share with you. I use only homemade cleaner for my windows, floors, counters, mirrors, and bathroom. It’s green, organic, inexpensive, and works better than store bought.
Melissa K. Norris is a Christian novelist, newspaper columnist, and non-fiction writer. Her stories inspire people to draw closer to God and their pioneer roots. She’s a skilled artisan crafter, creating new traditions from old-time customs for her readers. She found her own little house in the big woods, where she lives with her husband and two children in the Cascade Mountains. Her book, Pioneering Today-Faith and Home the Old Fashioned Way, explains practical and easy methods to cook from scratch, garden, preserve your own food, and see God’s fingerprint in your everyday busy life. Read the first chapter here.
What’s your favorite old-fashioned beverage? What situations has God made lemonade out of in your life?
Book Giveaway
If you would like to enter for a chance to win a copy of Pioneering Today–Faith and Home the Old Fashioned Way, by Melissa K. Norris, simply leave a comment at the bottom of this post on my website.
Click here for more information about Melissa’s book.
If you are reading this anywhere other than my website, such as on Facebook, in an email, or on Goodreads, please hop on over to my website by clicking here: https://www.cindywoodsmall.com/2013/06/12/lemonade/ and leaving a comment at the bottom of my post to enter the giveaway.
Only comments left on my website will be entered into the giveaway.
The deadline for this contest is Tuesday, June 18, 2013, at noon. The winner will be chosen using Random.org and will be contacted privately, as well as announced on next week’s post.
Book Giveaway Results
The deadline for last week’s giveaway has been extended until Friday! The winner will be announced on next week’s post.