A Pioneer Christmas

Pioneer Christmas-Homemade Apple Pie Sugar Scrub Tutorial

By Melissa Norris

One thing we can implement from the pioneers this Christmas season is the art of giving homemade presents. I love receiving a homemade gift. It shows me that the person values me enough to take the effort and time to create something special just for me. A lot of homemade gifts require some crafting or cooking skills like crocheted flower headbands or non-alcohol mint extract, but I wanted to give you a recipe that anyone can follow and have turn out great.

Today we’re going to make a homemade apple pie sugar scrub. This scrub is great on hands, feet, knees, and elbows, or any part of the body you want to exfoliate, moisturize, and smell yummy.

It also involves one of my favorite pioneer pieces, the Mason jar. Did you know the Mason jar wasn’t invented until 1858? Before that foods were dried, pickled, or stored in root cellars.

Any glass jar or container will work, but I’m partial to the Mason jar.

Apple Pie Sugar Scrub

Equal parts white and brown sugar
Olive oil

Fill your jar ¾ of the way full with equal parts white and brown sugar. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg for pint jars and 2 teaspoons for quart. Pour olive oil until it covers sugar and spices. Stir until everything is evenly combined. Put lid on and store by sink or bath.

To use, apply to hands and scrub. Rinse with warm water. (Caution, may cause tub or shower to become slick)


Cindy has been so gracious as to invite me back for an ongoing series. Is there anything you’d like to learn from the Amish or pioneer way of life to implement in to your home, from gardening, baking, cooking from scratch, preserving, or…..?

What is the best homemade gift you’ve ever received or given?

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