Beloved Readers,
It’s so good to connect with you like this again! It has been a long time since you’ve heard from me through a newsletter, but whether I’m working or on a leave of absence, you’re always in my heart.
I’m excited to share this with you. My newest release, Until Then, is out now!
This is a standalone Amish time-slip that is set in 1985, and Vin, the endearing young husband, unknowingly slips into 1822. He longs to return to his beloved wife and his two precious little boys, but he doesn’t know how he arrived in this time, and he has no idea how to return. But he learns to accept.
He landed in a place and time that is at the very beginning of the abolitionist movement, and we know through history that the Amish and Quakers were very involved in the struggle to free all people. While beseeching God to be sent home, he learns to pray—Until then may I use my time as you desire . . .
His wife, Celeste, is on a very different journey. Before he left to get some fresh air, she’d learned of his long-kept secret, and they’d argued like never before. He didn’t return. Did he leave her? Is he dead?
What a joy it was to write this story! There is love and longing and many twists and turns. This is my first novel that has a historical fiction thread throughout it, and I hope you’ll enjoy the journey as much as I did.
For many years, I had two time-slip Amish stories on my heart, and now they are written. I deeply appreciate Tyndale House Publishers for supporting Erin and me writings of these beautiful stories.
Tyndale sent me the first two chapters to share with you, and I’ve posted them on my website. Until Then chapters.
~Behatz Hoffning (Embrace hope),
While staying with Old Order Amish friends, I took this photo with permission. An Amish boy and girl on their way to school in a one-room schoolhouse. Can you see the girl’s book bag/backpack?