Hello, Readers!
Writing The Gift of Christmas Past was a life-changing experience in many ways. And since it is coauthored with my daughter-in-law Erin, I thought you might enjoy it if I shared some of the links to our ongoing blog tour.
Each blog tour stop has a different post, with new questions and answers or an article we wrote. Some offer a giveaway of the book. All were great fun for Erin and me to participate in!
If you’d like general information about The Gift of Christmas Past, go to
I’ve posted three blog-stop links below. I will continue to add links to this page as the tour continues, so be sure to stop back by here and click on the new links.
Fellow author Lena Nelson Dooley asked Erin and me to each give answers to her fun interview, and it has a book giveaway. http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-gift-of-christmas-past-cindy-and.html
On the Reading Is My Superpower blog, Erin shares adorable pics and specific parts of our research time in Asheville, North Carolina. You may glean one or two fun tips for things you could do if you go to Asheville too! http://readingismysuperpower.org/2017/11/28/guest-post-behind-scenes-moments-erin-woodsmall-gift-christmas-past/
Litfuse has posted an interview with Hadley, the main character! Raised in foster care and never reconciled with either parent, Hadley is deep, quirky, and determined. She tries with all that’s in her to steer her emotions where she wants them to go rather than where they want her to go. Despite being strong and willing to sacrifice to win that battle, she never quite gets the final say. http://litfusegroup.com/blog/character-interview-hadley-granger
Inspired by Life…and Fiction ~A Christmas Special Delivery by Erin Woodsmall {Plus a Giveaway!} http://inspiredbylifeandfiction.com/a-christmas-special-delivery-by-erin-woodsmall/
The Story Behind the Story with Liz Tolsma and a giveaway! http://liztolsma.com/2017/12/05/the-story-behind-the-gift-of-christmas-past-by-cindy-and-erin-woodsmall/
And now to the giveaway! We are giving away TWO sets of gifts, each with one box of French Broad Chocolates (your choice of holiday chocolates or peppermint bark!), a rainbow tree ornament, and an autographed copy of The Gift of Christmas Past.
Our hope is that you’ll us spread the word about the book and the blog tour.

There are two ways you can help us spread the word.
- You could copy and paste the following paragraph into your Facebook or Twitter page. You could Instagram an image of the book’s cover. Or you could contact one or two of your reader friends via text or email with a copy and paste of this paragraph: The Gift of Christmas is warming hearts and impacting lives. Written by NYT best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall and her daughter-in-law Erin. Check it out! https://www.cindywoodsmall.com/the-gift-of-christmas-past-2/
* - You could scroll down until you see icons that look like the following images, click on one and follow the instructions.

However you choose to help get the word out, please don’t forget to leave a reply/comment!
Only comments made on my website will count as entries. So if you’re reading this blog anywhere other than on my website and you’d like to enter the giveaway, just click on the FOLLOWING LINK to get to the correct page on my website: http://bit.ly/2zCBAn0
The deadline to enter this giveaway is Sunday, December 10, at eleven PM Eastern Time. Two winners will be chosen using Random.org and will be contacted directly.
All of my giveaways are limited to US residents only. NEW RULE starting December 1, 2017: no P.O. box addresses accepted. It’s problematic shipping to P.O.boxes since tracking doesn’t work well. Please visit my giveaway rules and FAQ page for a complete explanation of the terms and conditions of this giveaway.
Helpful Tips for First-Time Commenters:
The third field in the comment form asks, “Got a website?” Please feel free to leave that field blank. (If WordPress would let me, I would remove that question!)
If you don’t see your comment appear right away, it probably went to “moderation,” which is a holding place where WordPress keeps some of the comments until I approve them. Be assured, I will approve it as soon as I can.