Ah, the kitchen. Often the heart of the household. When children are small, it seems like Mom (and many times Dad) often spend a large portion of the day in the kitchen, either preparing meals, cleaning up, and sometimes grabbing a bite to eat over the sink. After preparing a stellar meal, such as for a large Thanksgiving gathering, the kitchen is a place where celebrations and feasts take place. However, it can also be a place of defeat. Ask my family about the infamous “green stuff.” I think it was supposed to be pesto. Hm. That night was a night we left the food on our plates, went out to eat somewhere economical, and returned to clean up the kitchen.
Now that my kids are grown and in their own households, my husband and I are faced with what seems to be a strange problem: using up all fresh produce before it goes bad. Do you have any tips for us on how to plan for healthy, quick, and easy meals for two light eaters? Besides using a magic wand? 😉
But what an absolute blessing to have a kitchen, to have a refrigerator, to have a freezer, and to have a working stove and oven. Our pantry often needs to be organized because of the bounty. The silver lining is that we have more than we need readily available—either here or in a nearby store. Because of many reasons from our lean times in the past, as well as helping others through theirs, I don’t think I can take the bounty for granted. So many in this world have it far leaner than I could even imagine.
When our youngest son was about ten, he said, “We’re rich. Aren’t we, Mom?”
I was taken aback. My husband and I both work hard, and are happy being in the center of what’s considered “middle class” in America.
He then said, “We are. We have a roof. Clothes. Cars that run. And we never fear being hungry. We’re rich!”
I nodded, “You’re right. We’re rich.”
In the comments, feel free to share a favorite memory of something a child said to you that gave fresh perspective or share a “life hack” for making kitchen duties easier, whether it be cooking for a large family, a retired couple, or as a single person. May we always remember to be thankful for the blessing of food.