Audios, Contests, & Plain News

Many have written asking for the large-print version of When the Soul Mends. I wish I could direct you to where it can be bought, but I’ve been told the large-print version will not be released until spring. For some, an audio version might be the answer they’re looking for.

If you’d like to view or order the audio version on Amazon, simply place your cursor over the correct CD and click.  

Our winners from the last blog contest is commenter number six, Christy, and commenter number twenty-six, Margaret. Congratulations to both Christy and Margaret! You’ve each won autographed copies of all three books in the Sisters of the Quilt series. The notification e-mails were sent last week, so I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Although I’m not running a blog contest this time, I’d like to remind readers of the other contests I have going on.

The year-long quilt contest ends the last day of December 2008. Readers have a chance to win a gorgeous quilt made by Amish women. The money used to purchase the quilt goes to the yearly benefit for their community’s Amish school. You can enter yourself into the contest one time, and you can have a friend come by the site and enter their name and yours. One time per friend, please. If you have twenty friends come by the site, they can each enter their name and yours one time.

On that same contest page, (but for a separate contest) you can enter to win an autographed copy of When the Soul Mends.

The December issue of my newsletter, Plain News, also has a contest. The prize this time is a pair of hames with a quilt patch between each hame, (see photo below) which was made by an Old Order Amish friend of mine.

From time to time I hear from readers who ask if the newsletter is free, and if it is, why do I take the time to write them.

The newsletter is indeed free. It’s a great way for me to keep in contact with readers. It goes out four times per year, and is chocked full of things readers find informative and uplifting. 

Things the December newsletter has:
A welcome letter with a special insight for those caught in the downturned economy
A book signing
A true story about an Amish family
Hames contest
A few words from guest author Lauraine Snelling
Book suggestions from my agent, Steve Laube
Amish Christmas recipes for salt ornaments, blueberry French toast, and snow-top cookies
And a tidbit about how the Amish decorate their homes for Christmas

Steve Laube shares several great reads, one of which is about money and practical tips for the everyday person, and one is a book that will help the little ones in your life understand the reason for the season.

If you miss being signed up to receive the newsletter before its send-out date, you’ll receive an automatic welcome letter. It will have a link to the latest newsletter. Once you open the newsletter, be sure to keep an eye out for the “previous newsletter” link at the bottom of each edition, so you can read every issue.
I hope each of you have a blessed month! 

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