Fall has arrived! My windows are open, and I’m loving it. I know many of you are also enjoying this shift in temperature. Isn’t it great? It rained for forty-eight hours straight at one point this week, and I could only pull myself away from the computer to get a little sleep. I love writing when it’s raining.
It was a busy and productive summer, with a book tour, writing conferences, and a trip to Colorado to visit my publisher. But it’s time to settle in and accomplish a lot of writing between now and Thanksgiving. Hopefully before Thanksgiving arrives, I will have finished writing book three in the Ada’s House series. Then I’ll take a few days off before starting on my next Christmas novella—both are coming out in 2011.
Another book coming out in 2011 is my first nonfiction book. I’ve written it with my closest Old Order Amish friend. It’s titled Plain Wisdom: An Invitation into an Amish Home and the Hearts of Two Women. Its release date is March 15, 2011.
The image is a depiction of Miriam and me.
To order it through Amazon, click on book cover.
As you may have noticed, my writing schedule has shifted a lot, so if you’re not signed up to receive my FREE newsletter, you could miss a book release or a book signing. And you also may be missing out on something you’d really enjoy. Plain News goes out approximately four times per year. When you sign up, no one will have access to your e-mail address. To sign up, click here.
Some fun news ~ CBD.com has its own bestseller list. Right now the top five are: #1 Francine Rivers, #2 Beverly Lewis, #3 Karen Kingsbury, #4 Jan Karon, #5 Me. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to be number five under that list of authors. The Bridge of Peace has also been in the top 35 of the New York Times bestsellers list for the last three weeks!
And now for the news many of you have been waiting for ~ we have three winners from the last blog contest. They were chosen through Random.org.
The first winner is Stacy A.! She’s won her choice of two Amish-made wall hangings. She wrote, “I knew I was going to buy this book the day it came out because I am a big fan of Cindy Woodsmall. I read a lot of Amish Fiction, and Cindy is my favorite author of them all.
Though The Bridge of Peace is primarily about the characters Lena and Grey, I was so happy to be able to keep following my favorite characters from The Hope of Refuge. My favorite part in the book was actually a conversation between Cara and the church leaders. I felt like I didn’t need to read Cara’s responses because they were exactly what I would’ve said in that situation. It was like Cindy plucked questions from my head and wrote them down.
I recommend this book to all fans of inspirational or Amish romance fiction.”
The second winner is Ellen Devenny! She’s won a set of Amish-made potholders. She wrote, “Cindy captured my attention with the first page I read in The Bridge Of Peace. You will find yourself laughing one moment and then crying the next, as you turn each page. Excellent!”
And the third winner is Karen Pollard! She’s won two of my autographed books of her choice—including upcoming titles that will be sent when available. She wrote, “Cindy Woodsmall is an amazing writer. Her books involve the reader to such an extent, that you cannot put them down. This is the second in a trilogy of a wonderful story. I can’t wait to read it. I’ve enjoyed every single one of her books and I’m sure this will be the same.”
Winners, please send me your postal addresses via e-mail—cindy [at] cindywoodsmall [dot] com. Or you can contact me through my Contact Page. Each winner will have more than two weeks to notify me. You have until Monday, October 18, 2010 to claim your prizes.
New Contest ~ I have an autographed 400+ page cookbook from an Amish Mennonite friend of mine. It’s chocked full of fun, yet true stories. For a chance to win a copy of Sherry Gore’s Taste of Pinecraft, just leave a comment below sharing about one thing you’re looking forward to doing this fall.
We’re looking forward to planting a couple of trees, some sod, and a few crepe myrtles. Hey, if that’s not exciting to you, you clearly haven’t seen my backyard! 🙂
If you’re reading this anywhere other than on my Web site, you’ll need to click over to it and leave a comment to be entered. https://www.cindywoodsmall.com.
This contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments and plans for the fall. My back yard is looking much better now than a few weeks ago, so I’m enjoying the weather AND improved scenery 🙂 The winner will be announced later today, Monday, October 25, 2010.