Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all 25 stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 3 grand prizes!
- The hunt BEGINS with Stop #1 at Lisa Bergren’s site.
- Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
- There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 10/22 at midnight Mountain time)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books.
- Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the clue on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at Stop #25. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
My guest for the hunt is Connilyn Cossette!
Connilyn Cossette is a historical fiction author with a passion for writing stories of timeless grace. She recently released the third novel in her series, Out from Egypt, titled Wings of the Wind.
Alanah, a Canaanite, is no stranger to fighting and survival. When her family is killed in battle with the Hebrews, she disguises herself and sneaks onto the battlefield to avenge her family. The one thing she never counted on was surviving.
Tobiah, a Hebrew warrior, is shocked to find an unconscious, wounded woman among the Canaanite casualties. Compelled to bring her to a Hebrew healer back at their camp, he is soon confronted with a truth he can’t ignore: the only way to protect this enemy is to marry her.
Unused to being weak and vulnerable, Alanah submits to the marriage—for now. As she comes to know and respect Tobiah and his people, however, she begins to second-guess her plans of escape. But when her past has painfully unanticipated consequences, the tentative peace she’s found with Tobiah, the Hebrews, and Yahweh is shaken to the core. Can Alanah’s fierce heart and strength withstand the ensuing threats to her life and all she’s come to love?
And now this from Connilyn Cossette…
My latest release, Wings of the Wind, follows the journey of a Canaanite woman taken captive on the battlefield and then forced to marry a Hebrew. Alanah is grieving, wounded, and bitter but she is also a tough chick. From her archery skills to her feisty attitude to her fierce protectiveness, Alanah became one of my favorites heroines so far.
As I write Biblical Fiction, I am so inspired by all the tough chicks that lived during ancient times. Obviously there were no Targets, no Starbucks, no dishwashers or washing machines back then. And on top of the never-ending labor of daily survival, most ancient cultures treated women as nothing more than commodities. The Torah given to Moses flipped everything inside out to give women unheard of freedoms, rights, and blessings.
So even with all our modern conveniences, what attributes of the actual tough chicks of the Bible that lived and breathed thousands of years ago should we emulate as we fight the good fight?
RAHAB (Joshua 2) makes an appearance in WOTW and was shockingly brave. She flouted the will of a powerful King by hiding the spies, then joined the very people who had come to run her own out of Canaan.
If/when the time comes, will we have the COURAGE to stand strong like this prostitute-turned-ancestor of the Messiah?

ESTHER (Esther 6) had courage in spades. Although her life was in jeopardy she was willing to lay aside her fears and reveal her true self without fear for the sake of her people.
Are we willing to lay aside the masks we hide behind in order to be AUTHENTIC witnesses to our righteous and healing God?

HANNAH (Samuel 1-2) was persecuted relentlessly for years about her barrenness, but instead of striking back at her rival, she took her sorrow to Yahweh. And then when God finally gave her a son, she fulfilled her vow by giving him back, although it must have broken her heart all over again. Her obedience paved the way for Samuel to become such a great man of God.
Are we determined to be OBEDIENT, even when it’s painful, so that God can work in us and through us?

JAEL (Judges 4) had the audacity to lure a king into her tent, lull him to sleep, and then drive a tent peg through his skull. But her willingness to fight on the side of righteousness that day won an important battle that had far reaching effects in the fight for Canaan.
Are we as AUDACIOUS in our fight against the Enemy, who seeks to devour us and those we love?
MARY (Luke 1:26-55) the mother of Jesus, knew that she would be mocked and ridiculed, knew that she could be stoned to death, and yet humbled herself before God to embrace her role in the Messiah’s birth.
Are we truly willing to humble ourselves, even in the face of suffering and humiliation, to bring glory to the name of God?
Which tough chick of the Bible inspires you the most?

Here’s the Stop #20 Skinny:
Clue to write down: hunt

Cindy Woodsmall here with a special giveaway!